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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big-City life

When you live in a big city like I do, you need to put up with some sort of bad stuff.
Like polution, cigarrates, all those environmental problems.
And lifestyle, which big cities seems cool to other while actually it's NOT.
Some social jerks, who pretended to be a good friend of your then in all of a sudden the stab you from behind like it was no big deal.
Such a life, isn't it?

Talk about environment. Polution is one of the biggest environmental problem. Cigars, cars, factories, just to name a few.
Smokers, driven by our genes, they are simple selfish beings. Why? Because the didn't just kill themself with their cigar, but also people around them. Mostly their family. And to make it worse, slowly.
Cars. Big-city daily need. We just couldn't live without it. Thus it made polution to air really bad. We are probably used to it, but we never really realized how bad it is for out health, do we?
Factories also finished up with a huge dirt. The dirt went on to rivers and sea, and it really didn't work out. Boom! The rivers goes dark and smells. Not a nice one. At all.
Littering. I myself sometimes litter. It's just those times when I can't be bothered to walk to the bin, so I littler while I walked and pretended nothing happened. I'm not the only one in this universe who did that, so the world are filthy by now, I regretted.

Big-city lifestyle. Wake up in the morning. Grab anything on the table to eat, not to mention if it's nutritious or not, because you didn't even care. Leaving without saying bye. Then go to school unhesitatingly. After to school is done, you make your way to the central of the city. Have fun until it's late. Then go home sleepily. Your parents would probably be home by then, they would probably be asleep. Still, unhesitatingly you'll go to your rooms. And sleep, getting ready for another same rough day. It wasn't a sweet picture after all.

And watch out for the social jerks around you. They could be very friendly, very caring and very great, as great as a best friend could be. But it won't last a long time. Just wait until you find out that they are using you. You'll meet many of them. You need to be careful. Or you'll be very very sorry.

How do we handle all of this?
Reading it all, we couldn't possibly live like this. Or could we? Well, I could. But I live with fears. I spent my life trying to just deal with it, but I can't. But then I thought, I should've just start from myself. Then maybe I could change my family, and then my friends, and maybe someday the world will change. And now I'll try to change. I promise. Let's start like a newborn baby, and hopefully we'll be a better human being, living in a wonderful world :)

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