After all time I've lived in a lost wonderland, I decided to create another place and living. It's not that I got bored of wonderland, no, not at all. I always loved this place of mine. But this idea of creation is just too cute to ignore (even my boyfriend said it's cute).
I was about to completely change the concept, from Little Lost Wonderland to La Vie En Rose (click to catch some explanation). In fact, I had changed everything; the name, the signs, all the atmosphere. Just before I promote the 'new' place, something bothers me. How could I destroy the place I create? I can't find the rights in me to crush Little Lost Wonderland. I froze, stared at the not-wonderland Wonderland. I clicked the 'design' sign, and slowly changed it into the old Wonderland it was.
I created one place, why couldn't I create another? An idea got me. So there I made, a new place, a town, I call it La Vie En Rose. I think I'm gonna live there, that depends, but I'm positive. I think I'm gonna keep this little place lost. I would come visit though, for vacation or some. But my daily routines would probably be posted at my new home.
See ya later Little Lost Wonderland! Je t'aime♥
Find something
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Keep calm and ......!
I was worrying about stuffs happened, stressing out about things to do, freaking out of fears, all that. Lost my self-esteem, my inner peace, myself.
I kept complaining about everything, comparing myself to another person. It ain't a beauty at all.
Talked to my best dudes, screaming my heads off, searching for peace. LITERALLY. I even searched on Google and Google images. Sound desperate, but look what I found:
And these are more...
Oh yeah and one more thing
I kept complaining about everything, comparing myself to another person. It ain't a beauty at all.
Talked to my best dudes, screaming my heads off, searching for peace. LITERALLY. I even searched on Google and Google images. Sound desperate, but look what I found:
DAMN, this is my favorite :]
Also found this very lovely one:
HAKUNA MATATA is a Swahili phrase that is literally translated as "There are no worries". It is sometimes translated as "no worries", although is more commonly used similarly to the American English phrase "no problem".And these are more...
Feels like I have forgotten how to dance.
Feels like I have forgotten to truly be happy.
Feels like I have forgotten how to be myself again.
My friends were right. Perfections belong to nobody. It's time to stop this nonsense. I don't want to waste my time putting a fake smile on my face as I pretend to feel no pain again. I'm gonna be true to myself. Happiness will find me :)
Just for now
It's that time of year
Leave all your hopelessness' aside
Tears stop right here
I know we've all had a bumpy ride
-Imogen Heap
Oh yeah and one more thing
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Arsya Pratama
JUMAT, 29 JUNI 2011
Sebelum puasa hendaknya kita semua nyekar dulu bukan? Berhubung hari ini SMA 8 pulang lebih cepat (Alhamdulillah) gue berinisiatif untuk ke makam Arsya yang emang udah lama direncanain juga (cuma gak jadi-jadi). Me, Angger, Anis, Farah, Racil, Adre berenam naik mobil gue dan Adre ke Jeruk Purut, berangkat sekitar jam setengah 2 kayaknya. Adre di mobilnya sama Angger, sisanya di mobil gue.
Di mobil gue tidur sambil dengerin playlist galau di iPodnya Anis, agak shock tiba-tiba ada lagu Black and Yellow - Wiz Khalifa di playlist itu. Gue kira Anis salah masukin, tapi ternyata emang sengaja -_- terus ke shuffle Worry About You - 2am Club. Waaaa udah lama gue gak denger lagu ini
Broken lover, yes I made you
Believe that I would be the one to heal you
And if you go now out that doorway
I won't say you're wrong
But you know that I worry about you
Bangunlah gue akhirnya, udah nyampe ternyata. Dengan tampang kucel gue turun mobil, dan gue nyakar Angger secara random, terus dia nginjek kaki gue sebagai balasan. DUAR langsung bangun deh gue hahaha. Gue beli bunga 2 kantong patungan sama Anis, baru deh ke makam Arsya.
Nahan nafas sebentar pas liat ternyata dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan udah bertambah banyak banget makamnya. Life is short, people. Enjoy it. Jadi bingung yang mana yang makam Arsya karena jadi berubah gitu kan kelihatannya, setelah akhirnya ketemu, gue catet aja makamnya.
Bagi yang mau nyekar ke makamnya Arsya: BLAD 35, BLOK AAI, NO.73
Here lies our best friend, our family, our Arsya.
Penjaga kuburannya udah ngasih kami tempat duduk, tapi gue memutuskan untuk duduk di rumput, karena kalo duduk di kursi jadi ketinggian, lagipula rumputnya bersih kok. Duduklah kami semua di rumput mengelilingi makam, terus mulai baca Al-Fatihah dan Ayat Kursi. Baru sadar gak ada satupun dari kami yang bawa Yasin, jadi yasudahlah doa aja.
Gue telungkup di makamnya Arsya, main-mainin bunga di atas makam, Farah di sebelah gue ngerapihin bentuk LOVE di tengah makamnya, Racil nangis, Anis kayak doa gitu, Adre berdiri, (gue gak ngerti kenapa dia berdiri), dan Angger bengong. Semuanya asik sendiri, sampe Racil bilang "Orang itu mirip Arsya" gue nengok ke kanan, ada keluarga jalan ngedeketin kami gitu, ternyata mereka mau nyekar juga. Gue liat ada cowok putih tinggi pake kacamata. Gue diem, kami semua diem, kami semua ngeliatin si cowok itu. Itu cowok kayaknya sadar diliatin, tapi dia gak menunjukkan tanda-tanda dia risih atau marah, jadi gue tetep liatin.................................until I finally lost interest in him.
Gue telungkup lagi, terus gue bilang "Puapala masih beku Sya....." dan gue nangis :'( jadi keinget lagi waktu itu. Senyumnya Arsya, dia main-mainin webbing gue, masih gue simpen webbingnya, gue bawa-bawa terus udah kayak jimat, gue inget dia heboh tanda tangan, jadi keinget banyak banget...
Arsya, lahir 13 Januari 1997, suka dipanggil Acil, bocah, Dulunya Smabel tapi aksel, jadi tetep aja gue gak kenal cuma tau doang, tapi waktu gue liat di BT gue dan Zhaza berkomentar dia ganteng banget, waktu masuk 8 kelasnya di X-C, semangat banget waktu pemilihan subsi, baik banget sama semua orang, ketawanya freak, dia bilang dia pengen jadi pilot, suka DEPAPEPE, jago main gitar, pinter, dulu gak bisa push up tapi sekarang pasti udah jago, satu band sama Angger, kata Angger dia sering nebenging Angger pulang, pacarnya namanya Astrid, jadiannya tanggal 12 September 2010, punya twitter usernamenya @arsyaprtm, tweet terakhirnya adalah "wishmeluck". Hari Jumat tanggal 11 Februari sbelum kejadian dia ke kelas gue mainan webbing, udah gue gulung rapi sama dia direbut terus dimainin lagi, terus ketawa-tawa puas, abis itu dia bilang "GOOD LUCK YA BESOK". Motivasinya pas masuk Puapala adalah: Ingin mencoba pengalaman baru, naik gunung.
Arsya, lahir 13 Januari 1997, suka dipanggil Acil, bocah, Dulunya Smabel tapi aksel, jadi tetep aja gue gak kenal cuma tau doang, tapi waktu gue liat di BT gue dan Zhaza berkomentar dia ganteng banget, waktu masuk 8 kelasnya di X-C, semangat banget waktu pemilihan subsi, baik banget sama semua orang, ketawanya freak, dia bilang dia pengen jadi pilot, suka DEPAPEPE, jago main gitar, pinter, dulu gak bisa push up tapi sekarang pasti udah jago, satu band sama Angger, kata Angger dia sering nebenging Angger pulang, pacarnya namanya Astrid, jadiannya tanggal 12 September 2010, punya twitter usernamenya @arsyaprtm, tweet terakhirnya adalah "wishmeluck". Hari Jumat tanggal 11 Februari sbelum kejadian dia ke kelas gue mainan webbing, udah gue gulung rapi sama dia direbut terus dimainin lagi, terus ketawa-tawa puas, abis itu dia bilang "GOOD LUCK YA BESOK". Motivasinya pas masuk Puapala adalah: Ingin mencoba pengalaman baru, naik gunung.
You're amazing, Sya :')
You've taken so many pictures,
You've left so many footprints,
And you've killed so many time,
You're the real PUAPALA, Sya!
-Nayaka Angger Pradiptasiddhi
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Java Rockin' Land 2011
22nd of July 2011, 05.00am
I decided to have some kind of a hair do, YES, It's Java Rockin' Land 2011 TONIGHT! I don't care if it's fvckin cold at 5 in the morning, I'm washing my hair, I dried it with a hairdrier and this brush. I tried to curl it a bit more, just to add some volume, and there I am ready to go to school.
22nd of July 2011, 02.45pm
Hell yeah school's over^^ Searching for Anis Puspita Utami.........................oh, Hi Ger. I asked Angger where Anis is, but he doesn't know. Ah well, she could show up any minute, so I waited.. Uh! There she is, walking toward me, her and Monic. Hey both of you :D We're going to Boboy's today, all of us, Ca.Ang/Ba.Ca.Ang Pua 38 and Puapala 37. Angger was with his football club, so he couldn't accompany me that much. Me, Anis, and Arrazy were just about to walk through the school gate to Boboy's, when the rain started to pour. I was about to play in the rain, I forgot that I have to keep my hair supa-neat for JRL. I ran to shelter myself, but it's kinda too late, the hair's wet, ewww, but it's better too late than never, so I stood still. And waited. And waited. Damn! The rain won't stop. Me, Anis, and Arrazy ran frustratedly in the rain..............................................and finally reach Boboy's.
22nd of July 2011, 05:00pm
I'm not sure if we'll be at JRL on time, because Puapala hadn't finished yet. I changed clothes, (trying to) re do my hair, and get back to Puapala. And hoping beyond hope I won't be too late.
22nd of July 2011, 06:00pm
On my way Carnaval Beach, Ancol. Me, Anis, Angger and Sarah. Thanks Sarah for being late T___T haha joking, off we go.
22nd of July 2011, 07:00pm
Arrived at Ancol and just in time for Sheila On 7 but we were very hungry and we believe foods and drinks inside JRL will be expensive. There's McDonald, we stopped by and eat. And just missed Sheila On 7. Ah well...
22nd of July 2011, 07:30pm
I met Selma and Difa and Difa's boyfriend. I met Derill, Dio, Sesa, Kemal and his girl, and I think there's more, I don't know it's kinda blurry. I also met Alifah, Noni and Aprilita. Oh yeah, and Pram joined me for the rest of the show with his sister, Saras.
23rd of July 2011, 00:00
23rd of July 2011, 00:30
Loving how they got the crowd gone mad, loving the encore "Kings and Queens", and loving the ending veeeeery much how they shot lots of paper with words written in it. But I froze when I read the message. This is mine:
Argus Apocraphex doesn't only mean one, but because it refers to 30 Seconds To Mars, it might means this:
Argos: Greek City near Mycenae and the name of The King's son too (Argos Panoptes: a giant with one hundred eyes which is quite a guardian, since only some of his eyes were sleeping in every moment and there would always be several eyes awake)
Etymology: argos arg* = bright (silver)
Apocraphex: Latin apocriphus, from the late Greek "Apokryphos", which means: "Not included in the canon", which takes us to the implicit sense of: "hidden", "secret" [Apokryptein= Apo (far) + kryptein = (to conceal)] . Later, apocriphus take the meaning of "Not Authentic", "Not genuine" refering to writings and books.
I conclude "Find the Argus Apocraphex" as "Find the Hidden Giant" so it was kinda like "there's something in this music/show we bring here, and you need to find it, you need to know what it is." I wasn't really sure if that's the right conclusion so I made a small search, and haven't found much. But I found this same message hidden under 30 Seconds To Mars's CD Pamflet (A Beautiful Lie). Besides, this phrase "To the warriors and the keepers of the gate, we await" is also hidden under the CD.
And I just remembered I didn't only take one paper but two instead, with the thought of giving it to Angger because he didn't reach the front row and he might not get some. So I gave it to him later when the show's over. I didn't read his message and gave him randomly one out of two. He read the message and throw it right away because it says "This is a cult." The word "cult" refers to a group whose beliefs are considered abnormal or bizarre, and in this case it might means satanic.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Puncak Gunung Gede
This time I'm not going to the hotel, mall, beach, friend's crib, theme park, or any other ordinary vacation while holiday. I'm going to a mountain!
Pekan Raya Jakarta, Indonesia. "Dhi, Nis, Boy, gue bener-bener harus ngasih tau lo semua sesuatu." Yak, semuanya nengok ke gue. Yak, gue makin awkward. Okay, let's get this done............................."Gueeee pinjem carrier lo ya Boy" gue ngomong lagi. Agak tertohok karena kata-kata yang terlontar pertama dari mulut Boboy adalah "Boleh, bayar ya" bukan "Lo mau kemana Tha?" Shit, this is epic. Setelah beberapa detik kami hening, Ardhi nanya, "Lo mau kemana?" Aha! Akhirnya ada yang nanya T___________T "Emmm, Gunung Gede" Hening lagi. Damn, why does it always have to be so awkward. Singkat cerita, mereka semua nyemangatin gue, dan gue terharu bisa kenal sama orang-orang ajaib kayak mereka. "Lo kesana wakilin kita ya Tha." DEG. Okay...........
RABU, 6 JULI 2011
Mereka bilang carriernya Boboy itu berat, kasihan badan gue nanti. Blablablablabla oke, pake tasnya Ardhi aja. Toh itu semi-carrier juga. Datanglah Ardhi ke rumah gue dengan membawa perabotan gunung. Singkatnya, all packed, thanks a bunch, Ardhi. Dia bilang "Kalo lagi di Gunung nanti, jangan ngeluh ya Tha. jangan bilang capek, pegel, atau apapun." Oh my God.....
Wish me luck :")
KAMIS, 7 JULI 2011
It's my first time ever to go on trip to Gunung Gede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ummm, sebenernya ini pertama kali gue naik gunung). Thank you sooo much Hani, Lucky, Ginta, Purna, Kak Tyo, Kak Aris for bringing me along :D
Sebelumnya gue mau menyesal sedikit dulu nih persiapan gak mateng sama sekali, won't happen again next time.
Well there it is:
6:20 Kami bertujuh kumpul dulu di Terminal Kp. Rambutan, terus baru naik bus ke Cibodas. Perjalanannya lumayan lama, dan kami asik sendiri selama di bus. Ada yang tidur, dengerin lagu, bengong, dll (Thanks Angger for staying on the phone with me). Gue duduk di sebelah kiri bus, duduknya sama Hani, dan kami ngayal ngayal berdua (Dan Hani sedihhhh sekali karena Mahardika gak jadi ikut - screw you Dik). Akhirnya perjalanan 2 jam 40 menit berakhir juga dan kami sampai di Pertigaan Cibodas.
9:00 Udaranya sudah mulai beda gitu di Cibodas, jadi panas sejuk gimana gitu ahahaha. Sebelum lanjut kemana-mana, kami mampir dulu ke Alf*mart untuk beli makanan kecil dan keperluan-keperluan lainnya. Menghabiskan waktu lumayan lama disana, sekitar setengah jam mungkin. We felt readier then, so we decided to go. Woohoo! Kami menaiki angkot menuju ke Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Berhubung ini pengalaman pertama gue naik gunung, gue takut, taaakuuut banget, dan kayaknya semuanya udah siap, sedangkan gue.............................Dan gue juga pertamanya canggung gara-gara gue kelas X sendiri (salah siapa ini cobaaa?)
10:45 Lucky dan Kak Aris langsung ngurus izin masuk dan lain-lain, sementara sisanya nunggu di pagar depan. Setelah selesai ngurus semuanya, kami makan siang dulu. Aaaaaa rasanya makanannya gak mau masuk ke mulut gue, yang namanya degdegan, takut, udah pusing deh pokoknya gue bingung. Tapi Hani cerita-cerita ke gue dulu pas dia pertama naik gunung, capek bgt, dan dia berpikir "Aduh di puncak nanti ada warung gak ya?" dan yang lain pada ketawa. Gue juga ketawa, hahahahahah..........................dan abis itu mikir "Loh emangnya gak ada ya?" Dan ternyata emang gak ada :") mau mati gak sih....
Selesai makan, kami berjalan memasuki Gunung Gede. Nih depannya begini *gulping*
11:30 Masuklah kami melewati tulisan WELCOME yang bikin gue mau nangis. Rasanya tuh ya (di dalam khayalan gue) Welcome-nya jadi ambigu, artinya jadi beda. Rasanya tuh bukan "Selamat Datang" tapi "Congrats ye kesini juga lo akhirnya." Bukan "Selamat menikmati Gunung ini" tapi "Selamat 'menikmati' Gunung ini." *gulping again* Ya Allah semoga aku kuat...semoga gak ada kejadian aneh-aneh, semoga besok gue masih bisa lihat papan WELCOME ini lagi, aaaaaaaa gue lemes. Well, there isn't a way to go back, so ready or not, here we come!
Disini bisa dirasakan (apalagi yang baru pertama kali naik kayak gue dan Kak Tyo) udaranya langsung beda. Gak tau kenapa jadi sesak terus jantung gue berdetak lebih cepat padahal cuma jalan biasa doang <---- sumpah ini gak bohong. Tapi gue inget kata Ardhi. Awright Dhi. Berjalanlah kami terus. Gue masih tetap berusaha keras untuk FOKUS, walaupun bau daun dan tanah basahnya, suara-suaranya, pemandangannya, udaranya, bikin pengen banget bengong dan mengkhayal sendiri. Bismillah.........
13:00 Sampailah kami di Air Terjun Cibeureum. Istirahat dulu sebentar di Panyangcangan. Dan gue seneng banget gue menemukan waktu untuk MENGKHAYAL, apalagi ada back sound air terjun beserta viewnya. Jadi inget percakapan gue sama Angger di telfon tadi:
T: Doain gue ya Ger
A: Iya hati-hati ya
T: Kalo gue (naudzubillahimindzalik) hilang di gunung gimana Ger?
A: Gue cari sampe ketemu, gak mau tau
T: Nangis gak lo?
A: Nangis lah!!
Hahahahahah okay, that got me smiling. Setelah gue sadar dari khayalan gue, gue berusaha fokus ke hal-hal yang 'beneran' ada, bukan khayalan. Nih air terjunnya:
Now this is something you didn't see everyday!
13:15 Sekarang jalurnya jadi beda gitu sama sebelumnya, jadi susah. Persingkat aja deh, udah mau jam 2 dan mataharinya jadi agak panas (tetap gak sepanas dan se-berpolusi Jakarta sih). Akhirnya sampe juga kami di Air Panas.
16:00 Istirahat, sholat, makan. Gila rasanya itu sholat terkhusyuk gue, gue sujud di bebatuan di atas gunung (walaupun masih jauh dari puncak), gue berdoa buat semuanya, siapa tau lebih dikabulin gitu kalo dari gunung.
Salah besarnya Luki, Purna, Kak Tyo, dan Kak Aris adalah mereka main di Air Panas, dan mereka jadi kedinginan. Terpaksalah pake sweater. Lanjut jalan, rencananya mau camp di Kandang Badak.
17:30 Gue mikir kok carrier gue rasanya makin berat, dan mulai bengong gak jelas lagi. tiba-tiba ada tulisan KANDANG BA..............TU. Akhhhh php! Gue kira Kandang Badak.
18:30 ALHAMDULILLAH SAMPE JUGA di Kandang Badak. Pasang tenda, masak ind*mie, dll pokoknya gue udah seneng tuh ahahaha. Gue bingung itu mienya kenapa enak banget
Kami berunding (?) sama Guide untuk menetapkan waktu bangun dan lanjut ke puncak. Pokoknya begitu semuanya beres, langsung masuk tenda dan tidur.
23:45 Awake suddenly. Dan gak bisa tidur lagi. Haaa kangen banget tiba-tiba anak-anak ajaib itu. Oh well, I'll just pretend they're all here, and we would all dream all night. Me and Anis would listen to sad songs, the boys will lit up the fire, we will all dance in the moonlight..........Kangen banget sama kalian semua, kawan-kawan.
JUMAT, 8 JULI 2011
01:00 Alarm gue bunyi, ya ampun yang namanya tidur kayak gak tidur, sakiiiit banget punggung gue, dan kaki gue udah nyaris mati rasa. Sakit banget mau ngapa-ngapain. But I'm sure this is all worth it.
03:00 All packed, kami siap melanjutkan perjalanan ke puncak. Here I come...
Well words can't tell, better see it for yourself!
Alhamdulillah sunrise nya kelihatan dari puncak, yang namanya seneng itu udah xxxx deh susah dijelaskan dengan kata-kata secara gamblang. Terima kasih Ya Allah :")
There's still something I wanted to show. It may not cost a lot, but I've been thinking about it even before I arrived here.
10:20 Kami memutuskan untuk turun setelah tidur jam 6 sampai jam 9 di Puncak Gunung Gede tanpa beralaskan apapun. Sebenernya males banget turun, tapi berhubung persediaan makanan makin menipis dan waktu gak akan 'freeze' jadi yaaa turun deh.
13:00 Makan 2 ind*mie dibagi 7, abs itu ge, Hani, Ginta, kak Aris dan si Guide turun duluan karena gue butuh sinyal sebelum bokap gue nyariin dan bertindak aneh-aneh.
15:00 Kami sampai di Panyangcangan, dan gue berhasil mendapatkan sinyal, dan gue udah ngabarin bokap gue. Cepet banget sebenernya turun cuma 2 jam dari atas, dan kaki gue udah gak kuat lagi T_T akhirnya si Guide ninggalin kami berempat duluan ke bawah karena ada urusan (.....) *senyum hampa* *elus dada* kamipun mencoba jalan lagi. Kali ini beneran kaki gue udah gak kuat lagi, yang kali ini gak bisa lagi ditahan. Akhirnya kami main air dulu di Telaga Biru ehehehehe, dari Panyangcangan ke bawah 1 jam 30 menit deh, padahal bisa setengah jam kalo gak main dulu. But everything worth a try, right? Ahahahahaha
16.30 Puji dan syukur saya panjatkan kepada Tuhan YME akhirnya sampai juga di bawah....tinggal nunggu Lucky, Purna dan Kak tyo :D
18.00 Sampai juga mereka akhirnya, dan aku pulaaaaaang :______D
Bye bye Gunung Gede! Thank you for letting us stay.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
SMAN 8 Jakarta memiliki Organisasi Siswa yang terdiri dari PK (Perwakilan Kelas) dan PO (Pengurus OSIS). Membawahi 18 bidang, dan salah satunya adalah Bidang III yang membawahi PUAPALA (Putri Putra Pecinta Alam).
Putri Putra Pecinta Alam SMAN 8 Jakarta telah berdiri 37 angkatan (Insya Allah 38 angkatan resmi tahun ini, ayo doakan semuanya), mempunyai motto:
It's awesome, really. I love it.
Mempunyai logo yang entah kenapa sangat gue banggakan, warna dasarnya kuning, bulat, ada cap kakinya, lucu banget :") nih lihat
BAGUS KAN?!?!?! :_______________D
Mempunyai logo yang entah kenapa sangat gue banggakan, warna dasarnya kuning, bulat, ada cap kakinya, lucu banget :") nih lihat
BAGUS KAN?!?!?! :_______________D
Puapala gak cuma mencakup kepecinta alaman seperti naik gunung, arung jeram, wall and rock climbing, dan sebagainya, tetapi juga solidaritas yang xxxx (susah untuk dijelaskan dengan kata-kata secara gamblang).
12 JANUARI 2011
Kami ber-37 yang memutuskan untuk memilih subseksi Puapala, resmi menjadi Bakal Calon Anggota Puapala 38.
Sekarang angkatan 2013 ini masih dalam tahap Ba.Ca.Ang dan Ca.Ang Puapala 38. Walaupun kami belum resmi dilantik sebagai Puapala, tetapi angkatan angkatan diatas kami baiiiiiiiiikkkkk sekali.
Anyway here's us, 37 people, Ba.Ca.Ang Pua 38
(from left)
12 JANUARI 2011
Kami ber-37 yang memutuskan untuk memilih subseksi Puapala, resmi menjadi Bakal Calon Anggota Puapala 38.
Sekarang angkatan 2013 ini masih dalam tahap Ba.Ca.Ang dan Ca.Ang Puapala 38. Walaupun kami belum resmi dilantik sebagai Puapala, tetapi angkatan angkatan diatas kami baiiiiiiiiikkkkk sekali.
Anyway here's us, 37 people, Ba.Ca.Ang Pua 38
(from left)
(top) Arsya, Visat, Mevin, Ridho, Dany, Kibaw, Boboy, Arrazy , Hafiz, Rino, Imam
(middle) Furqon, Pipit, Citra, Dila, Puput, Anis, Thita (me), Siwi, Bella, Dhifa, Cipeng, Priska, Alifah, Nanda, Pot, Monic, Pradit
(bottom) Dweng, Pram, Dhika, Dito, Ardhi, Bembem, Andar, Dika, Sevo
Puapala 37 ada 13 orang, hemm yah sebenarnya ada banyak, but you'll understand it sooner or later. Here they are
PUA-37-01 Eja
PUA-37-02 Aji
PUA-37-03 Pb
PUA-37-04 Biga
PUA-37-05 Irfani
PUA-37-06 Gifari
PUA-37-07 Ajet
PUA-37-08 Ginta
PUA-37-09 Lucky
PUA-37-10 Arsi
PUA-37-11 Ayu
PUA-37-12 Fay
PUA-37-13 Ahmad
They're our heroes :D Thanks Puapala 37 for having us with all of you!!!!
Tadi sudah disebutkan OSIS terbagi 2 PK dan PO kan? Nah, di dalam PK ada yang bertanggung jawab atas bidang III, dia adalah Kakom (ketua komisi) III bernama Hani, mempunyai 2 Akom (Anggota Komisi) namanya Ifa dan Kiki. Untuk PO, ada juga yang bertanggung jawab atas bidang III, dia adalah Kasi (ketua seksi) III yaitu Biga.
Daaan jangan lupa juga Pembina kami, bapak Wangsa Jaya. Beliau baik banget sama kami!!!! Makasih banyak ya Pak.
I've mentioned before, we're all great friends, right? Well here's us, having soooo much FUN
(Sebenernya banyak nih fotonya cuma entah di folder apa dan lama uploadnya)
Did you know? Di dalam Puapala, kita gak boleh manggil kakak kelas dengan panggilan kak. Pokoknya harus panggil nama. Sounds fun? Tapiiiiii jangan lupa kalo keceplosan ngomong kak, 2 seri siap menunggumu :''''
As I mention, angkatan angkatan atas baik banget, and they're also very friendly. Jadi waktu itu gue lewat gitu kan di koridor kelas XI, gue lagi bengong gitu, dan gue ngelewatin salah satu Puapala 37 tanpa sadar. Eh gue disapa!!!! Baik banget :') dan sejak itu (setelah gue juga belajar untuk FOKUS dan gak bengong terus) setiap ada angkatan atas, gue sapa mereka terus. Dan emang kami diajarkan buat saling menyapa satu sama lain.
Kegiatan kami bukan cuma latfis atau diklat atau briefing, tapi jalan-jalan juga. Pernah Pua 37 ngajak kami main futsal bareng, dan itu seru banget ahahahaha. Pernah juga gue ngajak salah satu Pua 37 ke salon bareng. Angkatan atas juga peduli sama adik-adiknya, mereka sering nanya kabar angkatan kami, dll.
Di angkatan kami, ada banyak tempat buat disinggahi. Contohnya, kosan Boboy, Andar, Dany, Sevo, dan Bembem yang pewe naudzubillah, bikin gak mau keluar lagi begitu masuk, seru banget nongkrong disitu. Atau kosan Siwi yang lumayan deket sama sekolah dan ada garasi yang cukup gede, muat untuk kami ngerjain tugas-tugas. Atau rumahnya Monic, yang suka dipakai untuk Diklat Ruangan, berhubung dia selalu punya sesuatu untuk disuguh :9 thanks Mon.
Dan waktu itu, Ambara Rakhmadi Shabana (Arsi) PUA-37-10 mengusulkan agar kami mengadakan suatu acara Bakti Sosial. Jadilah 2 angkatan Puapala tsb bikin Baksos yang berlokasi di daerah Bekasi, Jakarta Timur.Suka duka bikin acara itu banyak juga, mulai dari absen, rundown acara, dan lain lain tapi justru disitu bikin kami jadi lebih dekat lagi. Mulai acara jam 9 pagi sampai agak sore. Seharian itu kami main-main sama anak panti asuhan, bikin kuis, makan bareng, sholat, nonton Kung Fu Panda, sampe akhirnya pulang. WE REALLY HAD FUN THAT DAY. Thanks Arsi :D (And thanks Eja for taking me home, and thanks for keeping calm while I stupidly forgot my way home - see I told you they are all very nice)
SMAN 8 Jakarta juga baik banget semuanya, banyak yang mendukung Puapala. Sering banget kami denger teriakan-teriakan "Semangat Pua!!!!!!" haaa terharu :") I promise I will never give up!
Doakan SK Puapala cepat keluar ya semuanya, we can hardly wait for that day to come...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Little Secret of Happiness
The secret of happiness is to focus on the goodness in other people. Because life is like a painting. To see the beauty of the painting is best to look it under a rays of light, not in a closed and dark room.
The secret of happiness is not to avoid difficulty. Climb the hill, not slide down, and your feet will grow stronger.
The secret of happiness is doing things for other people. Inflowing water will not grow. However, the water that flows freely is always fresh and clear.
The secret of happiness is to learn from other people, and not try to teach them. The more you show how much you know, the more people will try to find deficiencies in your knowledge. Why duck called "stupid"? Because it's too many quack.
The secret of happiness is kindness, see other people as a member of your family. Because each creation is yours. We are all is the one God's creation.
The secret of happiness is laughing with other people, as friends, and not ridicule them, as a judge.
The secret of happiness is not arrogant. When you consider they are important, you'll have friends wherever you go. Remember that the biggest skunks will be the most stinky.
Happiness comes to those who give love freely, which does not ask other people to love them first. Be generous just like the sun that shine without first asking whether people should receive its warmth.
Happiness means to receive any that came, and always say to yourself "I am free in myself."
Happiness means making other people happy. A meadow full of flowers need trees surround it, not a concrete buildings that are rigid. Surround your meadow of life with happiness.
The secret of happiness is to keep your heart open to others, and share life experiences. Heart is like a house door. Sun light can only enter when the door is wide open.
The secret of happiness is to understand that friendship is far more valuable than goods, is worth more than take your own affairs.
The secret of happiness is not to avoid difficulty. Climb the hill, not slide down, and your feet will grow stronger.
The secret of happiness is doing things for other people. Inflowing water will not grow. However, the water that flows freely is always fresh and clear.
The secret of happiness is to learn from other people, and not try to teach them. The more you show how much you know, the more people will try to find deficiencies in your knowledge. Why duck called "stupid"? Because it's too many quack.
The secret of happiness is kindness, see other people as a member of your family. Because each creation is yours. We are all is the one God's creation.
The secret of happiness is laughing with other people, as friends, and not ridicule them, as a judge.
The secret of happiness is not arrogant. When you consider they are important, you'll have friends wherever you go. Remember that the biggest skunks will be the most stinky.
Happiness comes to those who give love freely, which does not ask other people to love them first. Be generous just like the sun that shine without first asking whether people should receive its warmth.
Happiness means to receive any that came, and always say to yourself "I am free in myself."
Happiness means making other people happy. A meadow full of flowers need trees surround it, not a concrete buildings that are rigid. Surround your meadow of life with happiness.
The secret of happiness is to keep your heart open to others, and share life experiences. Heart is like a house door. Sun light can only enter when the door is wide open.
The secret of happiness is to understand that friendship is far more valuable than goods, is worth more than take your own affairs.
Have you got the idea yet?
The Blind Boy and The Man
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: ‘I am blind, please help.‘ There were only a few coins in the hat.
A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

The man said, ‘I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.’
What he had written was: ‘Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.’
Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?
Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.
Invite others towards good with wisdom. Live life with no excuse and love with no regrets. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear.
Great men say, ‘Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness…. In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.’
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?
Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.
Invite others towards good with wisdom. Live life with no excuse and love with no regrets. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear.
Great men say, ‘Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness…. In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.’
No Regrets
If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you hugs and kisses and call you back for more.
If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise, I would videotape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time I could spare an extra minute or two to stop and say I love you, instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time there to share your day, well I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there would always be tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything alright.
There will always be another day to say I love you, and I hope that we would never forget that tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, and today might be the last chance you get to hold your beloved one tight.

So hold your loved ones close today, whisper in their ears, and tell them how much you love them and that you'kll always hold them dear.
Take time to say "I'm sorry, please forgive me", "thank you", or "It's okay". And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.
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